Weather Policy

There are occasions when the pollution index is high enough to be a health risk to children with asthma, other chest conditions and allergies. Therefore, we refer to the government website below to determine the appropriate action to safeguard our students.

The Air Pollution Index (API) is issued by the Environmental Protection Department of HK (EPD) to keep us informed daily of the air quality throughout Hong Kong.


Category: Weather Policy

Classes at Stanley Ho Sports Centre – Stanley Ho themselves will notify you by sending an SMS message at least 45 minutes before the scheduled start time of the class. If you do not receive an SMS message, please assume classes will go ahead as planned. 

Classes at other venues – We will notify you by sending an email and an SMS message. We will try to do this at least 45 minutes before the scheduled time of the class. If you do not receive these notifications, please assume classes will go ahead as planned. 

For information regarding matches for BFA teams see FAQ section ‘BFA teams’.

Sometimes it is necessary to stop and cancel classes at very short notice due to adverse weather conditions. As you can appreciate, this is outside our control and we will do our best to make the correct decision to go ahead or not based on all the information we have available at the time. If we cancel classes just before they start or during, we will notify you by sending an SMS message. Our coaches will take all players to a safe area, where they can be collected from. At Stanley Ho Sports Centre, players will be taken to the stadium next to Pitch 3 (the pitch with the running track).

Category: Weather Policy

Decisions regarding match play will be made and communicated at the earliest possible time. As soon as the Head Coach has been advised that a match / tournament is cancelled, a message will be sent by SMS, Please understand that sometimes it will not be possible to make and communicate a decision until after such time that some players may have to depart for the field in order to arrive at the scheduled time. We would recommend that you call your team coach if you are in any doubt but note that if you are unable to confirm cancellation prior to your departure, then assume that the match will be played as scheduled and proceed to the field.

Category: Weather Policy

Generally, we follow these guidelines:

Thunderstorm, Amber Rainstorm warnings and T3: You should assume classes will go ahead (unless you are notified otherwise – see FAQ ‘How are we notified if classes are cancelled due to adverse weather conditions?’).

Red & Black Rainstorm and T8: All classes will be cancelled (and you will be notified – see FAQ ‘How are we notified if classes are cancelled due to adverse weather conditions?’).

Category: Weather Policy


The class schedules for each of our venues are available through the link here: BFA Registration

For example, for the Stanley Ho class schedule, click the link above then click on the Stanley Ho Sports Centre ‘Sign Up  Now!’ button. You will be taken to the Hong Kong University website for the Active Kids Sports Club which has the class schedule for the term and/or our camps.

Category: Communications

If you have any questions regarding classes, please try to speak to the  coach and if they cannot help, they will refer you to the relevant person.

Richard Mortimer is the BFA Operations Manager and is usually there to oversee classes at Stanley Ho Sports Centre so please look out for him. If you prefer to call or email, then see below:

Office: 3488 7724 | Mobile: 6011 9366 | Email: Richard@bfa.hk

For more information about the communications policy in the event of adverse weather conditions and/or air pollution, see FAQ section ‘Weather policy’.

For more information about the communications policy for BFA teams, see FAQ section ‘BFA Teams’.

Category: Communications

What to wear?

There are strict rules on the footwear allowed at KCC to protect the rare and exceptional grass surface there! Artificial turf trainers (with small pimples on the sole for grip as show below) and regular trainers/flats are allowed BUT artificial turf boots/cleats (with short moulded studs/cleats on the sole) ARE DEFINITELY NOT! These rules are strictly enforced by KCC and players will not be allowed to participate without the correct footwear.

See below but if in doubt, please check with our coaches.

Category: What to wear?

Players should wear our blue BFA training kits – blue shirts, blue shorts and blue football socks. From the 2019/20 season, all BFA football kits are available through our partner Integrity Sports Wear. The link to their website is available here

Note: You will need the BFA password to access the website which we will make available to you. Please note that our BFA yellow kits are for BFA teams and only to be worn for BFA team league matches.

It is important that the correct footwear is worn. See  FAQ ‘What football shoes do we recommend?’ for more details.

For safety, shinpads/guards should also be worn. BFA shinpads/guards are available to purchase upon request or can be purchased at most local sports retailers.

Category: What to wear?

Most of the pitches we play on are made of artificial turf. Sometimes BFA teams will play on grass and usually these are dry and hard.  We therefore recommend wearing artificial turf trainers (with small pimples on the sole for grip as show below) or artificial turf boots (with short moulded studs on the sole). If in doubt, please check with our coaches.

Category: What to wear?

If a child needs prescription glasses to play, they should wear specially made sports googles that are available from local opticians.

Image result for sports goggles for soccer

Category: What to wear?

BFA Codes of Conduct

Player Code of Conduct

BFA believes in the following code of conduct. This code represents a competitive sport philosophy that will allow us to succeed at the game of soccer. We believe that soccer belongs to its players and should always be to their enjoyment. We believe that all players as well as parents, guests and coaches must adhere to these standards of good sportsmanship.


1. I recognize that BFA is a select group of athletes that understand that discipline is required to play soccer at a high level.
2. I will work very hard, have fun, and will be fair at all times.
3. I will act in a cooperative manner with my coach, manager, referees and team-mate.
4. I will understand and obey the rules of the games.
5. I will respect the coaches, officials, parents and all players regardless of race, religion,
gender or athletic ability.
6. I will not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct such as booing, ridiculing, taunting, refusal
to shake hands or usage of any profane language or gestures.
7. I will always do my best.
8. I will always play by the rules of the tournaments or matches and the laws of the game.
9. I will always play fairly with good sportsmanship.
10. I will never intentionally become involved in acts of foul play.
11. I will work for the good of my team.
12. I will always participate for my own enjoyment and benefit.
13. I will accept the decision of game officials and coaches though I may not always agree with the decision. Talking back to coaches or any official is not acceptable.
14. I will be generous when I win and gracious when I lose.
15. I will shake hands with and thank the opposition at the end of the game no matter what the outcome.
16. I will care for and respect the facilities and equipment made available to me during training and competition.
17. I will not use or promote the use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs at any time.


1. To attend the required number of practices/games in-line with the BFA Attendance Policy.
2. Keep my skill level at the level of my team or strive to improve it to a better level.
3. Do my homework and other school activities to a very high standard and complete them to avoid interfering with soccer practices and games.
4. Let my coach know as soon as possible if I will be late or miss my practice or game.
5. Be disciplined, focused and ready to train on practice days and ready to play on match days.
6. Always come ready to play with, cleats/boots, shin guards and LOTS of water.
7. Always bring any necessary medications like inhalers.

Failure to abide by BFA Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action that could include but is not limited to the following:

 verbal warning by the coach
 written warning
 action by BFA that may include but is not limited to:

 Player practice suspension with written documentation of the incident
 Player game suspension with written documentation of the incident
 Player Season suspension

** Any suspension or expulsion from BFA team for disciplinary reasons will not result in a refund.

Category: Codes of conduct

Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct

BFA has the following set standards that outline a philosophy that is paramount to the game of soccer. We believe that soccer belongs to its players and should always be to their enjoyment. We believe that parents as well as coaches, guests and players must
adhere to the standards of good sportsmanship.


BFA expects that all parents and supporters will:
1. Gain an understanding of the rules of the game and learn the policies of the various
leagues BFA participate in.
2. Encourage their child to play according to the rules of the game and to settle
disagreements without resorting to hostility or violence.
3. Remain positive and encouraging towards all children, not just their own.
4. Stress that doing one’s best is more important than winning.
5. Bear in mind that their child participates in soccer for THEIR enjoyment.
6. Applaud the opposition as well as their own team.
7. Avoid coaching the children during the game.
8. Support the coach and not do or say anything contrary to the coach’s instructions or
intentions during games or practices.
9. Value the importance of volunteer coaches and referees and offer their full support.
10. Respect all coaches and not confront coaches or officials in front of players and to
discuss the matter at an agreed upon place and time.
11. Not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct such as booing, ridiculing, taunting,
refusal to shake hands or usage of any profane language or gestures.
12. Not use or tolerate inappropriate language.
13. Be a positive role model and encourage good sportsmanship by showing respect, courtesy and positive support to all players, coaches, officials and spectators at every practice and/or game.
14. Require that their child treat everyone with respect regardless of race, religion, gender or
athletic ability.
15. Not shout at players, coaches or officials.
16. Respect the referee’s decision and encourage all players to do likewise.
17. Ensure their child wears appropriate equipment (shin pads) at all times of play.
18. Ensure that if their child wears corrective lenses that these are appropriate for contact sports and safe

19. Ensure that their child does not wear watches or jewellery whilst playing.
20. Ensure that their child does not take part in training, tournaments or matches if ill or injured.
21. Demand a sports environment that is free of alcohol, tobacco and drugs.
22. Follow the guidelines on the use of cameras and videos


1. Bring your child to practices and games ON TIME.
2. Notify your coach as soon as possible for any missed practice or game.
3. Help manage their school assignments and activities so as not to miss practices or matches.
4. Notify your coach of any physical ailments/disability that may affect the safety of any player.
5. Respect the coaches’ decisions.
6. If I want to discuss something with the coach, I will wait until the appropriate time to do
so i.e. after the match.

Category: Codes of conduct


A general guide for a 1 hour Development class:

5 – 10 mins – Warm up including ABCs (Agility, Balance, Coordination and Speed).
10 – 15 mins – Technical practice (focusing on techniques) based on a topic – e.g.; passing.
10 – 15 mins – Skill practice (using the techniques against opponents) based on the topic.
15 – 20 mins – Small Sided Games (using the techniques in the game).

For more information regarding the topics and our BFA Curriculum see here.

Category: BFA Policy

Brazilian Football Academy is dedicated to developing soccer schools, classes and teams for boys and girls that engage in various tournaments and friendly matches around Hong Kong and sometimes overseas.

Our aim is to remove the emphasis from winning and focus on long term development of players. By celebrating spirit, sportsmanship, skill and good character participants have an opportunity to realize their full potential as a responsible member of society and as a Football player.

We strive to develop children who are independent, value learning, are creative and enjoy playing football as part of a team. We should remember at all times that the game of soccer is just that–a game.
The number one reason (well documented in a number of studies) children participate in soccer is to have fun. If they don’t have fun, they will soon quit. It is detrimental to the player if there is too much pressure placed on them too early to achieve a result rather than simply experiencing the sheer joy of a youth game.

BFA wants you to respect the game of soccer, respect the players, the opponents, the referee, and the parents. Players should come out of their experience with the coach as better people and better citizens, not just better soccer players. So please take the responsibility of instructing the players with a great deal of care and joy.

Categories: BFA Policy, BFA Teams

Roles and Responsibilities

1. Coaches must respect the rights’ dignity and worth of each and every person and treat
each equally within the context of the sport.

2. Coaches must place the well being and safety of each player above all other
considerations, including the development of performance.

3. Coaches must operate within the rules and spirit of the sport of football promoting fair
play over ‘winning at any cost’ and encourage players to do the same.

4. Coaches must familiarize themselves with and adhere to all rules and regulations of the
respective leagues and with the Rules of FIFA.

5. Coaches must develop an appropriate working relationship with each player based on
mutual trust and respect.

6. Coaches must maintain high standards of integrity, sportsmanship and adopt responsible
behaviour in all interactions.

7. Coaches must not exert undue influence to obtain personal benefit or reward.

8. Coaches must respect the decisions of officials and referees and must not attempt to influence the officials or abuse them verbally or physically for their decisions and actions.

9. Coaches must encourage and guide players to accept responsibility for their own behaviour
and performance.

10. Coaches must ensure that the activities they direct or advocate is appropriate for the age,
maturity, experience and ability of players.

11. Coaches should, at the outset, clarify with the player (and, where appropriate, their
parents) exactly what is expected of them and also what they are entitled to expect from their coach.

12. Coaches must co-operate fully with other specialists (e.g. other coaches, officials, sports scientists, doctors, and physiotherapists) in the best interests of the player.

13. Coaches must always promote the appropriate Code of Conduct and positive aspects of the sport (e.g. fair play) to players, parents and spectators alike.

14. Coaches must never condone violations of the Laws of the Game, behaviour contrary to the spirit of the Laws of the Game or relevant rule and regulations or the use of the prohibited substances or techniques.

15. Coaches must always actively discourage foul play, or any unsportsmanlike behaviour by players at all times on and off the field.

16. Coaches should not tolerate harmful or abusive behaviour by players or spectators and remove from the field any player(s) whose behaviour is not acceptable and breaches this
Code of Conduct.

17. Coaches must display control and courtesy to all involved with the game of football.

18. Coaches must develop their team’s respect for their opponent’s ability.

19. Coaches must consistently display high standards of behavior and experience and be a role model for players, parents and spectators.

20. Coaches must ensure that all decisions and actions contribute to a safe and harassment
free environment.

21. Coaches must ensure that parents and supporters follow the code of conduct including
guidelines on cameras and videos.


22 Coaches are responsible for their team, including; player/team discipline, attendance
policy, sportsmanship and respect. Any issues arising with individual players should be brought up with the Head Coach.

23 Coaches must arrive 30 minutes prior to the arrival of players at training and on match days.

24 Coaches assume responsibility for any club equipment used.

25 Coaches must carry their bags with 1 first aid kit to all games and are fully responsible for all equipment therein.

26 Coaches are to follow the field allocations on training.

27 Players should be briefed before training on the session objective and debriefed after each session, so they understand their learning goals.

28 Coaches must take their monthly session plans for training.

29 Coaches must submit match reports after each tournament or league games.

30 Coaches should report any parent interference to the Head Coach who will aim to deal with the situation.

 Coaches failing to adhere to the codes / rules 1-21 may be liable for instant dismissal.
 Coaches failing to adhere to the expectations / rules 22-30, will be supported by the Head coach in reaching these objectives. Disciplinary action could include, but is not limited to the following:
 verbal warning
 written warning
 Action by BFA that may include suspension or termination of contract.

Category: BFA Policy

To ensure we maintain a fun and productive environment conductive to all participants gaining maximum enjoyment we must pay attention to the behaviour of all participants.  We ask all players to read and adhere to the players code of conduct when they join our classes and teams. These can be found on our web-site for your reference.

Please note the following BFA disciplinary steps when dealing with players.

Step 1
Verbal warning from the team coach.
Step 2
Time out from training or suspension from games
Step 3
Official verbal warning from the Head Coach
Step 4
Formal written warning
Step 5
Removal from team

* Exceptional Circumstances

In the event of gross violation of the players’ code of conduct, the offender may circumvent the above sequence, and face alternative disciplinary action deemed appropriate. The decision to impose such action is at the discretion of BFA team coach, head coach.

**Please note when step 5 is enforced no appeal will be considered**

Category: BFA Policy


For all instances of non-attendance, you MUST inform the office and not just the team coach.


Parents/players to notify the office directly via e-mail or phone if they will not be able to attend practices. Please note the attendance Policy and provide information in a timely manner to ensure full compliance.


Parents/players to notify the office AND the Team coach directly via e-mail or phone if they will not be able to attend a match. Please note the attendance Policy and provide information in a timely manner to ensure full compliance.

Category: BFA Policy

As a member of BFA you are making a commitment to your team-mates and your coach. As such players should aim to attend ALL practices and games.

We understand that at times it is not possible for players to attend all BFA commitments, however we expect that you will inform either the office by email or phone call if situations arise. In case its a last minute emergency you are expected to call the Head Coach or team coach personally.

BFA will closely monitor the level of attendance. Anything less then an 80% attendance record over a given month may be a sign of poor commitment.
If a child’s attendance drops below this level, parents will be contacted to help us further understand the issues. If you are unable to make this commitment level on any given month you should discuss the situation with BFA head coach to make suitable arrangements prior to your planned absences.

Note: Attendance and commitment levels along with skill and attitude will be taken into consideration when selecting teams on Match days.

Excused absences must be communicated by email to info@bfa.hk Examples of an excused absence are listed below.

Child is ill or injured and is therefore unable to train.
Close family functions.
A family members birthday

All non-communicated absences will be considered as an unexcused absence, unless exceptional circumstances are involved. Unexcused absences are very disruptive in a select team environment and will be dealt with as follows:

1. The first and second unexcused absences will be recorded but no contact will made with parents at this stage.

2. On the third unexcused absence the player’s parents will be contacted. The player’s position in the starting line-up is now in jeopardy.


Category: BFA Policy

BFA Teams

All of our BFA teams play in the Hong Kong Junior Football League (HKJFL). The league fixtures and results are available through the league website here: HKJFL website

Some of our BFA teams play in the Hong Kong Football Association (HKFA) Golden Age league. For league fixtures and results you can download the HKFA mobile app which is available for iPhone and Android.

Note: The schedules are subject to change so always check the emails we send you regarding BFA team fixtures.

Category: BFA Teams

No squad sizes are fixed.

We have formulated an optimum number for each age group, but the squad may expand or shrink according to players arriving or departing over the course of the season.

Category: BFA Teams

We will email parents and send a message to the team Whatsapp group. We will try to do this at least 45 minutes before the scheduled meet time. Unless you hear from us, please assume that the tournament/match will go ahead as planned.

For more information, refer to guidelines under FAQ ‘What is the BFA inclement weather policy’.

Category: BFA Teams

For players in our development classes , if they wish to be considered for one of the BFA teams, please speak to the development coach. If  the coach thinks that your child is ready to try out for one of the teams, this can be arranged. For new players, we can arrange a free trial with the teams so please contact us.

Category: BFA Teams

Brazilian Football Academy is dedicated to developing soccer schools, classes and teams for boys and girls that engage in various tournaments and friendly matches around Hong Kong and sometimes overseas.

Our aim is to remove the emphasis from winning and focus on long term development of players. By celebrating spirit, sportsmanship, skill and good character participants have an opportunity to realize their full potential as a responsible member of society and as a Football player.

We strive to develop children who are independent, value learning, are creative and enjoy playing football as part of a team. We should remember at all times that the game of soccer is just that–a game.
The number one reason (well documented in a number of studies) children participate in soccer is to have fun. If they don’t have fun, they will soon quit. It is detrimental to the player if there is too much pressure placed on them too early to achieve a result rather than simply experiencing the sheer joy of a youth game.

BFA wants you to respect the game of soccer, respect the players, the opponents, the referee, and the parents. Players should come out of their experience with the coach as better people and better citizens, not just better soccer players. So please take the responsibility of instructing the players with a great deal of care and joy.

Categories: BFA Policy, BFA Teams

Playing time is dependent upon a combination of skill, work ethic, attitude, attendance, effort and commitment at practices as well as the ability to demonstrate a “team” philosophy. We expect all players to work hard in practice to earn their playing time.

Our general philosophy regarding playing time for the U8 to U11 BFA Teams is as follows:

The coach will manage playing time with most players getting approximately the same amount of playing time taking into account the above. Prominent/influential attacking and defending players may get slightly more playing time so that team cohesiveness remains intact but the coach will be mindful of everyone getting quality field time. The A and B squads are in no way fixed and players will move between the two at the team coach’s discretion. No player is guaranteed of a spot in either squad.

Category: BFA Teams

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